Youth Exchange project „Viva lingua“ – Language festival took place in Daugavpils from 22nd to 30th of August 2016; project participants came from Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Turkey.
The exchange of languages was crucial for the participants because multilingualism is one of the foundations of the European project and is a vivid symbol of the EU’s drive towards unity in diversity. Knowledge of foreign languages occupies an important place among the skills that are necessary for people to better prepare for the labor market and to make the most of existing opportunities. The EU has set these goals every citizen has the opportunity to study at least two foreign languages from an early age. Promoting language learning and linguistic diversity is and objectives of Erasmus+. Lack of language skills is one of the main barriers to participation in European educational, training and youth programs. The possibilities for providing language support aimed at increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of actions for mobility and effectiveness of learning, which contribute to achieving the Erasmus program.
The exchange was well conceived, structured and balanced in its program. Good partnership with the organizers of the Youth House was our home in the early days of our activities. The presentation of the competencies that are part of the certification of youthpass was played in an interesting and attractive way with a lot of questions for each of the competencies for participants to consider what new knowledge and skills acquired during the exchange. Best presentations prepared by the volunteers of the organizers hosts were very interactive and appropriately selected for the specific case. Presenting languages and questionnaires to each of the participants from different countries managed to carry us very close to their country, that enrich us and enable us to learn more from what we Zanetti until then. All games to break the ice were very entertaining and engaging. The participants all worked as a team. Game of the city was well-balanced to learn more about the city and institutions and to work in a team. Preparation and implementation of festivla in the park was the most impressive device screen for me because I had possible that personal to meet with the local community and understand more about each country separately, that enable us to more confidence and are significant to represent the country.
A visit to the university which corresponds well with the theme of languages and departments of foreign languages, it appears that the University has felt the pulse of time and the highlight of the study of languages, which is commendable. The distinctive T-shirts that were made specifically for sharing our distinguished everywhere in the city and this was one of the tangible results, as well as many local people to ask for exchange. Do not forget was the time to castle and cultural center of Mark Rothko which I knew nothing until now, and then have to read and research the dictates this interesting artist.
Picnic near a beautiful lake with all participants was also a good opportunity to reinvent yourself and have fun with the game ball and a swim in the lake. It was a wave and experience the transition tram and communicating with local people in it. Cultural evenings devoted to each one of the participants bring us closer to the culture of life and kitchen, each country presented in a fun and attractive way in an effort to show more about their country and make it important to others. Do not forget for a moment created new friendships and partnerships with whom I hope to collaborate in the future. Gala evening was also full of surprises games which had awards ceremony and awarding of certificates and really big surprise cup effigy color in all project will be a memory for the future. The exchange acts with greater understanding and responsiveness to social, language and cultural diversity and for more active participation in public life of every young person.
Here is the moment to thank the project coordinator Elvira, which albeit During the first few project she handled more than wonderful and was confident in his work, showed her responsibility and confidence, I want to support more than ever that she then this project will He handles brilliantly. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this exciting and different project. Continue to work in the same spirit in the name of young people to develop a modern and powerful Europe, such as we want to see for the future of our children.